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Monday, March 2, 2009

Assessing Adolfo After He's Left the Building

Two of the city's major dailies -- the New York Times today and the Daily News yesterday -- reported on aspects of former Borough President Adolfo Carrion's 7-year tenure. These were good stories, particularly the one in the News which dug into Carrion's record of approving development projects shortly after cashiering campaign contributions from the developers.
But Carrion's appointment to the new White House Office on Urban Affairs has been rumored for weeks, so it's interesting that these two large papers waited to deploy their reporters and run their stories as Adolfo was headed to Washington to start his new job in the federal government.
As readers of the Norwood News will note, our article appeared a week and a half ago, only a day before Adolfo bid adieu to the Bronx in his final State of the Borough address. We, too, had known about, and reported on here, the rumors of his appointment for weeks. But we're a much smaller operation (the Norwood News has only two full-time people on its editorial staff -- myself and managing editor Alex Kratz) obviously and the article took several days of reporting by a free-lance writer and the requisite amount of editing and fact-checking (not an excuse -- we do wish we had put the pedal to the metal earlier -- but just the reality of the way it happened).
I wonder if it were Marty Markowitz of Brooklyn or Helen Marshall of Queens heading to Washington, if the Times and the News would've been so late out of the gate getting these important stories to their readers. Any News or Times insiders out there willing to weigh in here?

1 comment:

  1. the suggestion you are making that somehow a bronx borough president, or adolfo carrion, in particular, is being protected by some powers that be speaks directly to the inference that many people in the bronx have considered for years that something is very seriously "rotten in denmark."

    there are so many unanswered questions about why things have been permitted to go so incredibly wrong and why even (maybe especially) the NY Times does not report it fully.

    for example, why hasn't there been full investigations on the emails that showed that city officials were attempting to trade city resources for favors in yankee luxury suites and parking garages? this is a potential violation not only of the most basic public trust, but of federal law.

    and another... how is it that the filtration project was not mentioned in the times story about adolfo? this is an ongoing major debacle that is for sure a part of his legacy and not only did the Times ignore it in this latest story, but their reporting on it over the years has been worse than inadequate.

    again, the suggestions you're making about protection for a Bronx borough president's shortcomings has ominous implications and unfortunately, i have not seen anything that would indicate they are unfounded.


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